(Redirected from SendAsEmailCMM)
Send As Email CMM
What is it?
The simplest way to send a file (or more) as an email attachment.
Download here. Don't hesitate! It's free and only 60K in size...
This is how it works:
Click on a file, choose "Send n File(s) As Email…". That's it. Your favourite mail application will open a new e-mail and attach the files.
System requirements
- Mac OS X10.4 or later
- 100KB of free disk space :-)
- Apple Mail, Qualcomm Eudora or Microsoft Entourage. Other mail applications are not supported yet.
- PPC or Intel-CPU! It's a Universal Binary, so it runs on both systems at maximum speed :)
- mount the downloaded disk image by doubleclicking
- copy the SendAsEmailCMM.plugin into your favourite "Contextual Menu Items" folder. (/Library/Contextual Menu Items/ for all users on your machine, or /Users/<yourhomefolder>/Library/Contextual Menu Items/ for your user)
- SendAsEmailCMM @ Versiontracker
- The old version 1.0 is still available here.