Software Projects Overview
Raspberry Pi Projects
- Raspberry Pi WebCam with 3G
- Raspberry Pi Camera Setup for Time-Lapse
- RaspberryPi Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- RaspberryPi Temperature Sensor
Applications utilizing the full power of Mac OS X.

ARDMonitor shows the state of Apple Remote Desktop (disabled, enabled, connected) - even if the Administrator asked for permission to monitor/control (that's what ARD's menu extra doesn't). See ARDMonitor for details.

Schick 5.0
Schick 5.0 is a easy-to-use and yet full-featured tool to exchange files in your local network...learn more

Browser-O-Mat is a simple white-label-browser that you can use for your favourite (one) website…learn more…

Mac Uptime II
Mac Uptime II is just the remake of the good old Mac Uptime PPC, now for intel Mac...learn more...
Screen Saver Projects

NixieClock Screen Saver
Many might have thought this is vaporware! But finally, after 8 years of developing (and waiting for the images to be edited[1]) it is here: NixieClock Screen Saver.

Blank Screen Saver
There it is, THE REAL screensaver. Since this screen saver will only display a black blank screen it should actually save your screen. Of course, if you REALLY want to save your screen use the "Energy saving" settings in your system's preferences. Now featuring transparency! Learn more here. Blank Screen Saver

Flying Toasters Screen Saver
Small screensaver displaying flying toasters. Before someone else says it: NOT THRILLING THOUGH.
For more informations visit: Flying Toasters Screen Saver

NettWaer Screen Saver
Remember the good old times when "DOS was removed and it's memory given to the disk cache"? This screen saver will bring back the great screen saver of Novell Netware 3.x. It's Freeware, so don't hesitate to... version 1.2.0 (Snow Leopard compatible) version 1.3.0 (Lion and Mountain Lion compatible)

Huepfer Screen Saver
One more screensaver displaying fractal-like graphics known as Hopper or Hüpfer. It's Freeware, so don't hesitate to download the...
- Lion and Mountain Lion compatible 1.5 version
- Snow Leopard compatible 1.1.0 version here.
Requires MacOS 10.5 "Leopard" or later.
(Users of MacOS 10.3 or 10.4 see SoftwareProjectsThatAreNotLongerSupported)

Apfelmaennle Screen Saver
It's now called Mandelbrot Screen Saver, see the Project Page.

This screensaver is ideal for monitoring servers while screen saver is running (and keyboard is locked). Will display load averages, logfile and -if you like- the desktop using transparency. It's Freeware, so don't hesitate to download the Leopard/Snow Leopard compatible version (for older versions visit Software Projects That Are Not Longer Supported).

Übersatz Screen Saver
Small screensaver displaying messages. Highly configurable. Before someone else says it: NOT THRILLING THOUGH. It's Freeware, so don't hesitate to download Leopard/Snow Leopard compatible 1.2.0 version.
Web-based Projects
This are not really applications since they are completely browser-based.

Simple way of setting up a poll. See for yourself:

Skipper is a simple web site for controlling a remote iTunes application. Learn more...

See CoordinatesConverter.

The Wishlist offers a technique to tell the world what you would like to get on your next birthday, x-mas or similar anniversary, without actually knowing who will buy you which gift. And best of all, the "buyer" can mark it as bought, so no-one else will buy it. (Did you ever get something twice?) Visit WishList for details.
You might say, this looks like an 90's webpage. It is! :-)
AppleScript- and Automator-Projects
These programs will run on Mac OS X AppleScript / Automator environments. They are mostly provided as source.

Heikos Little Helpers
Heikos Little Helpers is a collection of the scripts I wrote for my own purposes. Check it out!

For those of you that missed a feature in iTunes allowing to play a single track, here's your solution: PlaySingleTrack

VLC Remote Control Shell Scripts
If you want to remote control your VLC Player by shell commands, take a look at VLCRemoteControlShellScripts.

iTunes Control Scripts (for remote shell like ssh)
I needed a way to control my iTunes running on my other Mac - since I found nothing which fits my needs I made up my own (as usual). The scripts can show all details of the current track, control iTunes (volume, play, pause, quit, next, previous) and set rating for current song. You may Media:ITunes.tgz the scripts here. They're free!
Shell Projects
These programs will run in the most Unix/Linux environments. They are provided as source.

Solves a special puzzles, used for GC1259N. See SoftwareProjektSolver.

If you want to convert from PCX5 to CSV-Format, you can use this Script. See ConvertPCX5ToCSV.

You might want to let non-administrator-users set the region code of their DVD-drive. This is how you permit this: LetUserSetUpDVDROMRegionCode.
- There's more: Software Projects That Are Not Longer Supported
- Footnotes:
- ↑ What I finally did myself, because...that's another story...